As this thread has hit on the joy of music, who here remembers those happy days when we sang in unison those kingdom melodies....
A) Gaining Jehovers blessing
B) We are Jehovers Witnesses
The Rebel.
music and art have been a big part of my life since i was a little boy, and although i was never able to play a decent guitar, i can paint.
my art teacher from college said " i was the most imaginative and constructive pupil she had ever had.
" i loved that comment, because in translation i realised it meant i had to work harder than other more naturally talented students, but the effort was always worth it.
As this thread has hit on the joy of music, who here remembers those happy days when we sang in unison those kingdom melodies....
A) Gaining Jehovers blessing
B) We are Jehovers Witnesses
The Rebel.
music and art have been a big part of my life since i was a little boy, and although i was never able to play a decent guitar, i can paint.
my art teacher from college said " i was the most imaginative and constructive pupil she had ever had.
" i loved that comment, because in translation i realised it meant i had to work harder than other more naturally talented students, but the effort was always worth it.
Punk I don't think your a mess, I think your a kind person with a big heart.
Anyway do you remember Jilted John? ( Gordon is a Moran) he transformed himself in to John Shuttleworth, " I'm up and down like a brides nighty, I'm up then I'm down, and I don't know why"
Of course close examination of that song reveals its all about violent mood swings, and isn't a blue number at all.
More importantly you wrote a book that is helping people who are escaping from the W.T. And you proved my point we all have art INSIDE us. And I think your book is what punk music was about. It's about having the guts not the talent, to bash it down and say sneaky, unprincipled, religious/ business organisations make a great deal of money, and the individual doesn't need follow the system.
Anyway thumps up for your book on Amazon.
The Rebel.
music and art have been a big part of my life since i was a little boy, and although i was never able to play a decent guitar, i can paint.
my art teacher from college said " i was the most imaginative and constructive pupil she had ever had.
" i loved that comment, because in translation i realised it meant i had to work harder than other more naturally talented students, but the effort was always worth it.
Punk, thanks for that video ( everybody watch punk perform on his last post)
Now I will ask a " forum" personal question.
How did a guy with so much 70s punk energy, ever give up on all that, to instead sit through all those boring W.T meetings and go door to door ?
The Rebel.
music and art have been a big part of my life since i was a little boy, and although i was never able to play a decent guitar, i can paint.
my art teacher from college said " i was the most imaginative and constructive pupil she had ever had.
" i loved that comment, because in translation i realised it meant i had to work harder than other more naturally talented students, but the effort was always worth it.
PUNK even if the W.T kicked you in the head when you were down," threads like this make me happy, and when you sing I don't see you frown" That's your two fingers to the W.T.
The Rebel.
p.s If people like you remained elders, people like me would still remain" Blockheads"
music and art have been a big part of my life since i was a little boy, and although i was never able to play a decent guitar, i can paint.
my art teacher from college said " i was the most imaginative and constructive pupil she had ever had.
" i loved that comment, because in translation i realised it meant i had to work harder than other more naturally talented students, but the effort was always worth it.
Thanks for the replys, particularly " Iown Mylife"
Anyway just to conclude the thread, I have noted many on this board have used their writing talent as a sign of resistance and to voice their freedom from the W.T. I have therefore concluded when life becomes a weary pain, all forms of artistic expression are of immense value in elevating the human spirit.
The Rebel.
here is the translation of monsieur leiris' words;.
friday night, you took an exceptional life - the love of my life, the mother of my son - but you will not have my hatred.
i don't know who you are and i don't want to know, you are dead souls.
Mana11 re your post " Muslims make up 6% of Swedens population, why then are 77% of rapes committed by Muslims"?
The fact is despite being off topic:-
A) your figure was anonymously confirmed by a phone call from the Swedish police. Therefore it's without proper authority, and very dubious.
B) Hard facts should be based on court convictions.
C) The fact is 77% of rapes are not committed by Muslims in Sweden.
D) The fact is your statistics were based on urban centres where the Islamic colonies cluster.
F) The fact is we should ask ourselfs who has something to gain spreading such misleading data.
In my opinion it's very helpful for those who are racist. ( I am not directing that comment at you mana11, but the people who make these statistics up)
The Rebel.
here is the translation of monsieur leiris' words;.
friday night, you took an exceptional life - the love of my life, the mother of my son - but you will not have my hatred.
i don't know who you are and i don't want to know, you are dead souls.
Monsieur Leiris, is clearly lucky to have a faith in God, and I am pleased he is not feeling dejected by his God. This is why I envy many people their faith, even if I know longer share it.
I have tried to visualise how I would have reacted. I am sure I would have cried, with sorrow. But no matter how hard I try I can't envisage forgiveness.
I also think it's a little early to settle the dilemma of hatred.The hatred may come later?
Finally without appearing cynicle, in a way Monsieur Leiris is fortunate that he has a son, that his wife can continue living through his son. So I think he has a unique reason not to carry hatred. I also think Monsieur Leiris words are an example of responsibility to the world. That in itself in some small measure, beats the terrorists.
Monsieur Leiris I salute you, your WIFE and your son.
The Rebel.
music and art have been a big part of my life since i was a little boy, and although i was never able to play a decent guitar, i can paint.
my art teacher from college said " i was the most imaginative and constructive pupil she had ever had.
" i loved that comment, because in translation i realised it meant i had to work harder than other more naturally talented students, but the effort was always worth it.
Punk you really made starting this thread worthwhile.😄.
The Rebel.
my wife is taking a literature course at a local college.
this was her final topic of the semester: why rational people buy into conspiracy theories?i automatically thought of this site and of jws.
the jws i knew, were the kind of people that would believe in conspiracy theories, and i noticed a small following on this site.. the article that was referenced for this course was:
adjusted knowledge (Q) "Why do rational people buy in to conspiracy theories?"
The Rebel ;-
A) Conspircay theorists exist because things should be questioned.
B) Because many conspiracy theories are later proven not insane noncence but actually true.
When Charles Tate Russell founded this " W.T" organisation, his motives were subject to much controversy. So why was he allowed to create this evil organisation? Because the people that questioned him and said he was a fraud were not taken seriously. So why should sincere people not question the moon landing and everything?
Such questioning should not be a subject of ridicule. Hard SOLID FACTS should proove a conspiracy theory is without foundation. And nothing less.
The Rebel.
Coded Logic ( Q) " since you left have you become more moral?"
The Rebel ( A) By watchtower standards No.
But this does not mean on a personal level my new morals are not influenced by my new culture. So when I answer your question honestly I look back and remember the pious way I once judged people. For example beard or no beard". Imagine the stupidity of once believing and judging a person as non-acceptable company because they wore a beard.
So I have learnt that morals are often no more than superficial ideas of righteousness, and all I can hope is that I am now less haughty and judgemental.
The Rebel.